Privacy Policy

Thanks for visiting the privacy policy page of Rupeeya. We welcome you warmly to the Rupeeya privacy policy. Here we will describe everything about the data privacy for our users, how we collect their data, how we use them, and what security measures we follow to safeguard our users’ information.


We at Rupeeya truly value the Privacy Policy rules imposed by the international privacy law departments. We believe that privacy is a major concern, and it should be protected in any way. Rupeeya strictly follows privacy-related policies.

Information we collect:

As a responsible website, we collect many types of information in standard internet ethical ways. The primary information we collect, such as any user’s name, email address, or phone number, is under their consent when they register themselves to the Rupeeya website. For registering, they have to give primary pieces of information such as email ID, Phone number, name, and others.

Apart from this, we collect information from cookies and similar technologies. Explore it more at our cookies policy page.

Information through Google Analytics and other tools:

We may use tools such as Google Analytics and more. Google Analytics tools help us to improve our website user experience and to make necessary changes. Google Analytics may use their own cookies to determine user activity, and they are responsible for their cookies. We are not aware of their cookies policy and neither accountable for that anyway.

What do we do with the information?

We collect the persona information from our users, we might use them to send notifications about the latest updates to our platform, any new ebooks, and any purchases of product-related offers. We can use your details to send you other information too. If you do not wish to receive data, you can unsubscribe, and you will not get any notification or anything.

The information we collect from the cookies and similar technologies:

We use that information to improve the website user experience for our users. We cannot identify any user or visitor through those technologies. They help us to make changes to our website.

Do we sell, rent, or handover our user’s data to third parties?

Rupeeya does not sell, rent, or handover our user’s data to any third party under any circumstances. We firmly adhere to the privacy-related concerns about all users. We highly secure all our data into our servers and sure that nobody can access your personal data and misuse them. Without any written letter from the law department authorities, we do not provide information on our users under no circumstances.

Third-party privacy policies:

On our website, we may mention third party links, third party websites, and third-party platforms. By clicking there, you move to third party websites. Once you left our website, please keep in mind that you are not under our privacy policies. When you visit any third-party websites by clicking the link on our site, you need to be aware of their privacy policies. Every third party platform may have its own privacy policies, and they obey their own privacies and guidelines. If you visit any third party after clicking on our website and submitting your personal or any data, you are solely responsible for that. After submitting there, if any data breach happens from their end, we are not responsible for that in any manner. So we are requesting you read the privacy policies of third party websites when you visit.

Changing, modification, or deleting our privacy policy:

Rupeeya holds the full and exclusive authority to change, modify, or delete any privacy policy without any prior notification or information. After editing, altering, or removing any of our privacy(s) or policy(s), if you still visit our website, that means you have read our new, changed, or modified privacy and procedures, and you agree with that completely. We would like to request you to frequently visit our privacy policy so that you can stay up-to-date about our privacy policies.

If you have any query or concern, please be free to contact us as

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